Getting it right as a developer on your 10x journey

Oluwafemi Tairu
6 min readDec 30, 2022

It’s been a while since I wrote an article. I decided to write this morning (December 30th 2022) after doing a little recap of what this year looked like for me. A lot has happened and I have learnt a lot. I thought I should share a bit of some of the things I have learnt this year alongside a bit from my keynote speech earlier this year (April 23rd) at the LASU TechX Conference.

Picture from the LASU TechX Conference in April

Tech is currently one of the most thriving sectors in the world and as a result, there has been a significant increase in the overall number of tech aspirants-Some of them ventured into tech with hopes of a better life in the next 3 months and others for the love and passion for it (i.e. sapa or passion driven development). Whatever the motivation is, one thing is certain for all: it is a journey, and one should know what steps to take and pitfalls to avoid especially when others have made similar mistakes.

Here are some of the things my journey in tech has taught me:

1. Learning the right way.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert in tech, one thing is certain, you are continuously learning. Some of the key things to take note of while learning are:

  • Practice while you learn.
  • Figure out what works best for you.

